Feb 8 - Geezer's Blog - National Boy Scout Day

The Bottom Line: February 8th is Boy Scout Day! 

The Full Story:

February 8th is Boy Scout Day! Since 1910 boys across America have been doing good deeds, learning survival skills and developing a moral foundations through the Boy Scout of America.

Every year, we recognize their efforts on February 8th. Boy Scouts have had a profound impact on the United States. For one, many presidents and other dignitaries were once Boy Scouts – add to that, a total of 181 Astronauts have also been part of the Boy Scout program.

The Boy Scouts of America has roots in the British Boy Scouts organization, which was created in 1908 after the success of the book, “Scouting for Boys,” by Robert Baden-Powell. As the story goes, it was on a foggy day in London, that American newspaper man, William D. Boyce, became lost when a Boy Scout came to his assistance. With the boy’s guidance, Boyce arrived at his destination. When Boyce offered payment for the assistance, the Boy Scout refused explaining it was a good deed.

Boyce was inspired to organize similar youth groups across America into one organization. And that’s where the date comes in – it was on February 8th, 1910 that Boyce filed papers of incorporation and the Boy Scouts of America was born.

National Boy Scout Day

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